By Urbanite
United Kingdom
New RHS website. What do people think of the new design? I'm not convinced but I can't quite pin down what I don't like about it.
1 May, 2014
I like it, at least at first glance. It's clean and simple. It will take a while to get use to the new look (hopefully the navigation is the same, or I'll be completely lost) but I think it's a change for better.
2 May, 2014
Funny you should mention it..... I noticed that they no longer have the hardiness listing for plants, well, at least the ones I was looking up. Which I find a bit annoying as it's that info I'm usually looking for
2 May, 2014
Oh dear - it's gone all 'arty'.
We used to have a saying in the computer industry - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Why change something that works and people have got used to?
(Answer - because they hired a consultant?)
1 May, 2014