By Pearlie
United Kingdom
how to rid garden of garlic smelling white bluebells?
4 May, 2014
Just what I thought Mg......
4 May, 2014
Garlic flowers aren't the same shape as bluebells though, they are more a sort of pom pom shape
4 May, 2014
If it smells of garlic that is what it is though.
4 May, 2014
It's probably Three cornered leek. Allium triquetrum, a wild flower. Does it have a triangular stem? Moon growers suggestions are good, can't think of anything else you can do.
4 May, 2014
I have this in my garden too, it has bluebell type flowers
and smells of Garlic, taste's like it too only milder, I was told I could use it in cooking, but haven't as yet. I didn't know it had bulbous roots though. There is one solitary one
that has seeded itself in a crack on my patio, that one will have to go, but not till after its finished flowering, I quite like the flowers.
5 May, 2014
Chino and Pearlie -
Do your plants have broad leaves like lily of the valley or narrow strappy one like thin daffodil leaves?
6 May, 2014
Hi Pearlie and welcome to GoY. Sounds like you have wild garlic in your garden, if there is nothing else in the ground that is in leaf where it is growing you could spray with roundup, otherwise it is dig, dig and dig again. If you miss one tiny bulbul it will grow again - good luck!
4 May, 2014