By Lorry
United Kingdom
hi can you suggest what bulbs i could plant now to flower soon as iv just made some lovely verges round my front green so not to high maybe a nice kind of bush in the 2 corners and preferaby not have to lift them in for winter and would they grow again next year you can tell im an amateur but trying on a tight budget thanks again
4 May, 2014
Would you like to show us a photo of your front green Lorry? Its much easier to suggest something suitable with an idea of where its going. How high do you want your nice kind of bush to grow?
5 May, 2014
other summer bulbs to consider are Eucomis, Gladioli, Galtonia, Crocosmia, Dahlia [tuber not strictly a bulb]
you don't say how tall you want the plants to grow and that will make a difference.
5 May, 2014
Getting a bit late for summer-flowering bulbs but you might get away with - Allium, Agapanthus, Lily perhaps..
It is, in contrast, a little early to plant for next Spring; Autumn is the time for that. But if you want spring flowering then daffs, crocus, snowdrops et. al. For snowdrops 'now' would be a good time if you can find some 'in the green'; That is - bulbs with attached foliage and spent flowers.
Does it have to be bulbs? They are a one-shot option. A few weeks of flowering then a carpet of greenery that fades and dies and you are left with bare borders again.
I would suggest something akin to hardy geranium if all year cover is required... Though there are plenty of other options as others here might suggest.
4 May, 2014