By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Summer flowering annual baskets. I'm about to plant up my hanging baskets to get some colour this summer. Any tips on what to do or definately not to do? Will add those wAter retaining crystals to prevent them drying out. Any tips/suggestios/ideas would be appreciated.
7 May, 2014
Thanks Pamg. Will need to get on and plant them up. There will still be a risk of frost till the end of May so must remember to get baskets in at night! Will add some slow release fertiliser to keep plants growing!!
7 May, 2014
Same here!
I need to get the tender plants out of the gh to get the tomato grobags in......
8 May, 2014
I have lost one of my baskets - a plastic one with a good water reservoir and Wilkos dont have them this year. They are ideal for a forget-to-water person like me. But how can you lose a thing that size???
8 May, 2014
I don't know but I think they hide!
don't tell anyone but sometimes I give it a 'telling off' ......come on show yourselves!
amazingly occasionally it works :0))
8 May, 2014
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I always add slow release fertiliser too, the little orange balls, I put in as many plants as I can, I was given two of those cone shaped ones a couple of years ago and they are good, polythene lined and a lot of soil room too
7 May, 2014