Amsterdam's Profile

About me
I am a Dutch native but have lived here in the UK for over 36 years. My interest in gardening started when my father passed away 23 years ago and I found digging in the soil a very therapeutic way of dealing with my grief. Married with two sons, one at university and one a trainee pilot in the RAF. I work at the local secondary school as a Modern Foreign Languages co-ordinator, being a linguist gives me great joy. Unfortunately my family do not share my passion for gardening but living in Shropshire there are plenty of lovely gardens and nurseries to visit and get inspiration from. Great believer in ‘social prescribing’ getting people with mental health issues connected with gardening, crafting or sports. I have lived in North Shropshire for 16 years now and am always tinkering with my garden. Let just say it has changed significantly! I open my garden for charity every year and organise the annual plant sale for charity as well.
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Joined in Oct 2013
Country: United Kingdom
County: Shropshire