By Macyelsie
United Kingdom
could anyone help me. we have a conference pear tree about 6 years old, this year the tree had loads of bloom on it and looked great, then the bloom died and so did the leaves and the rest of it turned black , could anyone try to give me a reason and cure. thank you
8 May, 2014
sounds like frost damage .must have been that frost a week ago
8 May, 2014
Last Thursday night we had a frost followed by early sun on Friday morning, most un-expected, and this is probably what happened to your pear.
8 May, 2014
Thanks Bulbaholic for that info. I have two Japanese Acers in pots which were doing fine, but then all the leaves curled and died. I thought it was the wind, but was probably the frost which I missed!
9 May, 2014
From what you have described its sounds like you have had a late frost and it has damaged the blooms and the new growth, have you anything else in the garden that looks slightly wilted on the tips ?
You may get some fruit this year and it will grow back
where roughly are you in the UK as last week certain parts went down to minus 2
8 May, 2014