By Ad44downey
United Kingdom
Hi, can anyone identify this flower for me please? I just came across it in my back garden, it looks a bit like a clematis? I hope the photo is clear enough, it's the best I could take as it's blowing a gale down here! Thanks in advance.

11 May, 2014
Looks like Nelly Moser, but it could be one of many Clematis as there are hundreds of Hybrids.
11 May, 2014
Thanks. I have 2 other different types of clematis on the other side of the garden. This one has just sprouted up, it wasn't there last year. I guess it has spread from someone else's garden then.
11 May, 2014
Could be a cross from the two you already have in your garden.
11 May, 2014
Yes thanks, it could well be. My present ones are Clematis Armandii (large white flowers) and Clematis Markhams Pink (small purple flowers) so this one would look like what you'd expect a cross to look like.
14 May, 2014
Previous question
Yes it is a clematis, better photo showing leaves as well needed to say which one.
11 May, 2014