By Siris
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Bearded Iris, not Supreme Sultan. I bought this via E bay as Supreme Sultan in 2012, it has just flowered and is obviosly not, being 1.08 m tall and a maroon/black self with a yellow beard. Anyone any idea of its name? I am a bit disappointed with suppliers who mislabel/don't keep their stock in order.
- 13 May, 2014
Thank you Seaburngirl, I appreciate your reply. It has answered another question relating to blogs etiquette. As I am new to this I did not know if it was permitted to name names. I did not buy from the company you mentioned.
14 May, 2014
The naming names thing has always been a little vague on here, but if you are recommending a company there couldn't be a problem....I wouldn't think. I never hesitate to name a good company. I am a bit shy of naming companies who let me down....but I have no idea why! I think it is a British thing...we are too reticent when it comes to complaining! Therefore my blogs are often vague when it comes to negative things, and I usually use silly, as everyone knows who you mean anyway! Lol!
20 May, 2014
Btw, if Taylors have been let down by their supplier, and have thereby let down their customer, it is still Taylors' problem surely...not the customers! I understand their explanation, but that doesn't let them off the hook, and they ought to be replacing the wrongly named plant. Did they offer to do so?
20 May, 2014
I agree with with you about complaining being a British thing. As I bought the Iris in question from a private individual off Ebay I would get back to complain but they don't seem to exist now. I have looked. Sometimes it takes 2 or more years before they flower. I have had mislabeled Iris from a specialist grower/importer and always get back to them. I have found them to be most apologetic and willing to rectify the problem. I leave the label around the rhizome or wire one around with the name written on it with a dvd marker pen. When I lift a clump I write on the leaves of the secondary rhizomes with a laundry marker pen, so if they become detached I don't think it is a neighbouring one.
It was seaburngirl who had the mislabeled "black dragon"
20 May, 2014
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Sorry I cant help. There are so many varieties now.
I bought a 'Black dragon' from Taylors last year and it clearly wasn't when it flowered. Taylors response was they had to take their suppliers at their word too.
Sorry no help I know. The fact its so tall means its not red zinger as that is about 75cm tall.
13 May, 2014