By Oldcodger
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
good morning all
I was given this pot by my son when he moved into his new house he could not keep it as he has a pet rabbit and it eats everything can you please tell me what it is and how to feed it
kind regards

14 May, 2014
It also has a tree sapling popping up, bottom of the picture, so haul that out before it gets any bigger!
14 May, 2014
thank you so much
14 May, 2014
Well spotted Bamboo!
14 May, 2014
thank you I have had a great display this year with loads of lovely yellow flowers
10 Jul, 2015
Hi Colin and welcome to GoY. It is a deciduous azalea - rhododendron and in a pot needs an ericaceous feed and semi shade.
14 May, 2014