By Steragram
United Kingdom
Broad bean tops - I've heard you can eat them, has anybody tried? I have no sign of blackfly and it seems a pity to waste them.
17 May, 2014
just like dandy lions or stinging nettles .
18 May, 2014
Nice to see you back Nosey! I hope they taste better than nettles but will give it a go and report back.
Thanks MG I'll try steaming them then.
Yes Snoop, the beans I overwintered are now setting pods right at the bottom of the stems - it was well worth the risk and paid off because of the mild winter. My first earlies are now flowering!!!
18 May, 2014
its nice to be back steragram . home in every sense of the word lol x .
18 May, 2014
Cheers!! We ate our first broad beans today - stir fried the young whole pods with Swiss chard, sweet chili sauce and lemon juice - summer's coming!
23 May, 2014
You can cook them like you would any other green leafy veg Stera
17 May, 2014