By Herladyship
United Kingdom
Help! Mice have eaten all my peas and broad beans leaving the shoots lying, I would like to sow more, but do not want to feed mice and do not fancy soaking seeds in paraffin as suggested by some. Anyone got an easy answer to this annoying problem?
17 May, 2014
Broad beans at least you can sow in pots and plant out when bigger. For the peas I'm wondering if a layer of fleece weighted down with soil all round would stop them?
17 May, 2014
If you plant them in pots or guttering and get them to about 3 - 4" tall the mice won't eat them. Having said that you would have to keep them off the ground so the critters can't get at them.
17 May, 2014
how do you feel about cats?
17 May, 2014
a jack russels a much better idea . are you sure its mice ? it could be rats or something else . id trap them as mentioned . its the only real way of getting rid of them . there killed very humainly as poison just isn't very nice for lots of reasens .
18 May, 2014
I can't buy less than 5 litres of paraffin anywhere ( if you can, please tell me where to get 1 litre), so I won't be doing that. But don't feed the mice, catch the little blighters - I caught 8 altogether and the damage appears to have now ceased. Although we still leave traps just in case.
17 May, 2014