By Thicaledie
United Kingdom
My lavender is very leggy and falling over despite growing vigourously.
Canl cut it down in the autumn?
4 Jun, 2010
You're not supposed to cut into old wood on lavenders - they should be trimmed over twice a year, taking a little of the new growth each time, to reshape, and after the main flush of flowers is over the first time, and August the second time.
4 Jun, 2010
Agree with Bamboo.
Sounds like yours is also in very rich soil and possibly in shade or part shade?
Go for a compact angustifolia or vera type such as Imperial Gem, Munstead or Hidcote and plant in full sun (if not already).
5 Jun, 2010
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Lavender does get leggy with age im afraid. I would take some cuttings. You could cut it down. But I have a lavender bush that is so old, its really leggy but it was my Grand fathers and I would never cut it down! But you must do what you want to to. If you take cuttings you'll have something to replace it with - if thats what you want!
4 Jun, 2010