Lanarkshire, United Kingdom
I was recently visting a National Trust for Scotland site when I came across this bush/shrub when I was in the gardens. There was no tag beside it to tell me the name but I was sure to get a picture of it. I thought it might have been rhododendron but have since looked at pictures on the internet and it doesn't look the same. It has a lovely smell coming from it and has purple flowers. Can someone please help me out with the name of this as I would love to get it for my own garden? Thanks in advance.
- 19 May, 2014
Yes, lilac.You can get various shades and also white.
19 May, 2014
If it was not very tall, then it possibly could be Syringa meyeri Palabin. That is a fairly low growing variety.
19 May, 2014
If you want to be sure you could always contact NTS - they're very nice people.
19 May, 2014
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I think it is a Lilac but I'm not very familiar with them so I could be way out!
19 May, 2014