By Sharonjones
United Kingdom
Hi I have two canary date palms which I have now planted into bigger pots but now realise I need to put them in more bigger pots I have not long had them so can I do this again into bigger pots ..without hurting them ...thank you ..
20 May, 2014
Thank you I will be careful if just put them from the pots they came in to bigger pots but I want to put into bigger pots as I have said already which I should have done in first place silly me ...what is the best way to get them out with please ...thank you
20 May, 2014
Hi Sharon, as you have only just put them into larger pots, the roots won't have grown into the new compost yet, so just get your larger pots part filled with compost, and lift the plants out of the smaller ones, an place in the larger pots, the rootball will be exactly the same size as it was last time, just plant to the same level, Derek.
20 May, 2014
One thing is they are likely to be nursery stock from Spain. They will have had no exposure to low temperatures and will slowly die over our winters if the roots are too wet and or get frosts for extended times. You can buy fleece to cover the fronds and minimise frost damage but if the roots get water logged in winter (which over potting will do) then you may kill it, though they tend to take months to die.
20 May, 2014
Hi botanic so how can I stop them getting too wet etc I don't want them to die there like my babies lol...
21 May, 2014
So Derek is is a good idea to put into bigger pots I just thought it would give them more room to grow ...thank you for your reply before ...PS and they would get bigger quicker ...
21 May, 2014
Hi Sharon, it isn't usually a good idea to overpot a plant, they tend to try and fill the pot with roots, rather than top growth, I assumed you had thought the pots you had used were too small, so if you haven't re-potted them yet, then I would leave them where they are, if alreay moved them on, leave them, theywill be ok, they won't grow any bigger, any quicker, for having a bigger pot, and don't forget the winter protection, Derek.
21 May, 2014
For drainage I add in a lot of Perlite into the bottom of the pot to keep it free draining and keep the palms near the house. If you can keep it out the wind and close to a wall then I think it has a good chance at growing well. You see CIDP in London and coastal towns, though Trachycarpus are the hardy palms to go for.
21 May, 2014
I have not repotted again Derek I will leave now then ...I put some stones in bottom for drainage if any good ..they are under my front window by wall it does get windy though there botanic ...
23 May, 2014
yes just make sure you dig the soil around the roots and make sure you dont break any.its leaves might droop down a bit because of the stresses of having to be pulled out again but it should be fine.
20 May, 2014