By Michelle60
I have an evergreen honeysuckle , 6 months old, during the winter it has flourished was looking very full, lush .In the last 2 weeks has rapidly thinned out and leaves dropping off, why? I was hoping for a stunning first year of flowering . It is planted in a 4 ft high wooden planter up ah
gainst fence and shed wall { corner position]
20 May, 2014
also if it is in a planter it may well be suffering from lack of water. Shedding a few leaves is normal but it shouldn't be more than 1/3 of them really.
20 May, 2014
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dont worry this is normal, my evergreen honey suckle has thinned out too . evergreens have to shed some old leaves off and grow new ones so it can photosynthisis and look new again, the leaves they had in the winter was probaly just for protection from the cold and because its summer it may not need so many leaves.
happy to help :)
p.s only some of the bottom leaves will shed off you can just pull them off and it will stop shedding soon.
20 May, 2014