By Haian
United Kingdom
Hi , I have a Rhododendron Winston, it is in the ground, and I brought it last year, it has all new leaves, but as yet no flowers. I have feed it weekly with herbaceous liquid feed, but still no blooms, has anyone any idea's please.
21 May, 2014
Hi , I am not quite sure what soil type it is in but it is quite heavy, and I am feeding it to try and promote the flowering, is this wrong?
24 May, 2014
You need to get a pH metre and check whether you have acidic or alkaline soil as there is both in Cornwall. Again, what is the product you are actually feeding the rhodo with?
24 May, 2014
Hi Moon growe , thanks for your help, I have been feeding the rhodo with Arthur Bowers ericaceous plant food. The bush it's self looks very healthy, it's just that I'm disappointed that it has not produced any flowers. Hope you can help.
27 May, 2014
If it was a young rhodo. when you bought it then it could take several years before it flowers. Keep feeding with the ericaceous plant food as per the instructions on the box.
28 May, 2014
It is a young rhodo, I only brought it last autumn, so it seams I've just got to be a bit patient, thanks very much for you help, and I will let you know how things develop. Ian.
28 May, 2014
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Why are you feeding it and what soil is it planted in?
21 May, 2014