By Brambles
United Kingdom
I have established hedges of holly about 18 feet high, 100 ft long and is about 60 years old, over the last 3 years , brambles are growing through the hedge and athough I try to cut them out they are growing more strongly. I can't dig them out as they are growing around the roots of hedge. Please can you advise me how to get rid of them.
5 Jun, 2010
Thank you so much, I will try this and let you know how I get on. Thanks again.
7 Jun, 2010
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Cut the main brambles away when they start growing again, make a hole in a plastic bag, pull the leaves through the hole, paint the leaves with neat SBK, tie up the top of the bag, leave to let the Systemic Brushwood Killer do it's job. It is going to be a long job, just the thing to do on a hot afternoon, wear gloves, do not smoke or eat while working at this procedure.
5 Jun, 2010