By Stevieb
United Kingdom
I am looking for advice as to which evergreen specimen trees shrubs I can plant that tolerate at times high levels of run off water from an adjacent field if they are deer resistant then even better! Thank you - Steve.
28 May, 2014
Sure I saw a site the other day that listed deer resistant plants - might be worth googling.
28 May, 2014
Yew will not tolerate wet conditions. Don't have any suggestions to offer though.
28 May, 2014
Specimen-sized plants are miffy when planted into less than ideal conditions. You get more success if you can plant them younger and let them think that this is normal...
Having said that, if it were me I'd try some of the less expensive options first, like Photinia, Prunus laurocerasus, even privet can keep its leaves in a mild winter.
Then if I had managed not to kill them, after a few years I'd plant maybe camellias, variegated hollies, rhododendrons, hoping that the more established cheapies would take the brunt of any issues from the field.
29 May, 2014
Previous question
Would yew work I wonder? Taxus baccata is poisnous to animals so they may not eat it . Not exactly sure about being wet though
28 May, 2014