By Dunns
United States
I have a Fatsia Japonica indoors in a pot, which we inherited when we moved house.I would like to move it outside into the garden, it is about 5ft tall. Would it be alright o do this?
28 May, 2014
They are great in shady areas too - I put one under a silver birch and it has grown huge!
28 May, 2014
Thanks, will give it a try, may wait a few more weeks, as it is still cold at night.
29 May, 2014
Yes you can , but it grows best in USDA zones 8-10. Assuming that's right for you, then you'll need to harden the plant off first by leaving it outside a short time one day, then for longer the next, until after a week or so, its been out all night. Pick a mild night for its first one outside though. Then you can plant it. You might find it has a problem with strong sunlight, so if foliage damage occurs through that once its planted, then cut it back - new growth should adjust better.
28 May, 2014