By Oddbillie
United Kingdom
I have grown a Tricyrtis Hirta Lily from seed and it currently stands as in the image, however, what am I best to do from here on in?
Do I pot on to it's final home and if so, do I need to protect it in Winter by bringing it inside or putting in potting shed, maybe? It's the only one that seeded and I've nurtured it this far and don't want to risk losing him as it doesn't flower until next year apparently!!
Any tips on its future care would be much appreciated.
On plant
Tricyirtus: Hirta

5 Jun, 2010
Blimey, it appears that I have got a few mixed up despite labelling in the seed trays then transferring to pots when potting on!
Don't know what's gone on there then as it was the only one that appeared in the tray of these seeds????
Guess someone may recognise it!! Thanks SBG.....what a fool I am....DOH!!
6 Jun, 2010
no not a fool at all. I have bought seed from a reputable company for them to be something totally different. The seed may have been in the compost. I find many composts are not as sterile as they claim. One colleague got a marsh orchid from his , me I usually get sunspurge or similar.
6 Jun, 2010
I'm sorry oddbillie but this isnt T. hirta. I dont recognise it except it looks a little like a wild flower called 'Good king Richard'. Were you growing anything else at the same time? I have several T.hirta in my plant profile if you want to have a look at it.
5 Jun, 2010