By Daylily
West Midlands,
Hi, does anyone know what this is? Im presuming a weed. Thanks

30 May, 2014
It looks like Corn Cockle to me ...
30 May, 2014
It does. But my first thought was Jack go to bed at noon, alias goatsbeard, alias tragopogon pratensis - the other tragopogon isn't hardy in the UK and this is evidently self sown?
Anyway if the flowers are pink Hywel is right. If they are yellow its a tragopogon. Owdboggy usually knows more than me but I think my guess is right this time.
30 May, 2014
The other tragopogon may not be hardy in the UK, but tell that to the ones which have survived here for the last 18 years.
30 May, 2014
Lol! I said you knew more that I did...
30 May, 2014
And if the flowers are blue, then what?
30 May, 2014
Thanks all for your replies, don't think I've seen it before, its on my dads drive :))
30 May, 2014
Thanks all for your replies, its growing on my dads drive, the flowers look yellow :))
30 May, 2014
Thanks all for your replies, the flowers look yellow, its growing on my dads drive :)
30 May, 2014
Having trouble with this lol its not showing when I've posted it :/
30 May, 2014
Oh, glad to see this, one turned up in my flowerbed. I was wondering what it was, I did not plant it. I left it because I thought it was very pretty, I shall leave it, and hope it will self seed a little.
30 May, 2014
I've had this for several years now. It will self seed quite aggressively, so only let one plant go to seed if you have several growing.
30 May, 2014
And I was WRONG. It is not Salsify it is Scorzonera, Scorzonera hispanica if it is not Tragopogon pratensis. One up to Steragram. Both Salsify and Scorzonera self seed in our garden though.
31 May, 2014
I think steragram got it, I've googled it and it looks like trag pratensis and has a white line down its leaves, thanks again.
31 May, 2014
Glad its sorted. Which one were you expecting to be blue Owdboggy?
31 May, 2014
1 Jun, 2014
Lol, don't complicate it any more! had to look that one up - what a beautiful flower - but then i go for all the blue ones...
1 Jun, 2014
Comes in pink and white too!
2 Jun, 2014
Salsify. Opens up to rather nice yellow flowers. aka Tragopogon porrifolius
30 May, 2014