By Kev_rowley
east staffordshire,
United Kingdom
will a geum (orange colour, misplaced the lable) recover from a Chelsea chop? it's about 3ft tall and has sort of flopped open in the middle,the supervisor says it looks messy but it has lots of flowers on at mo, not sure if i'm happy to loose the flash of colour in that corner of the garden,but it is leaning all over a recently planted pyracantha now?
not sure what action to take,i'm thinking it may be wet and wind that's the cause, or do geums generally need a little bit of support?
cheers kev
31 May, 2014
thanks bamboo, will have to search for the lable, it certainly has grown noticeably more this year than last
cheers kev
31 May, 2014
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If its Geum rivale, I'd prop it up until the flowers are finished, which will be shortly, then chop the whole thing back.
31 May, 2014