Fox fouls my new lawn every night!
By Gardenerstu
United States
I laid new lawn turf about a month ago, and every night since a fox fouls on it. I have tried pepper dust, cat/dog pepper, a citronella fox soluable solution which was watered into the lawn and nothing works. Any ideas? I am ending up with holes and patches all over it.
Gardenerstu; London, England
1 Jun, 2014
I had foxes and cats in my garden and after spending quite a bit on various powders and spray deterrents I boight a couple of sonic scarers. They took a few days of adjusting the sound, frequency and direction but I have had neither foxes or cats for some weeks now. The only time they come back is if I forget to change the batteries.
1 Jun, 2014
The best method for me when it comes to the fox is patience and hope. By that I mean being able to patiently wait until, you hope, the fox decides to take its interests elsewhere. I apply this method to many of my unwanted garden visitors.
1 Jun, 2014