By Winsplant1
United Kingdom
Please help me save this plant that belonged to my mum, it was wonderful when she had it it's all I have left, no idea what it's called

1 Jun, 2014
Looks like an Anthurium....a tropical plant from the Aroid family. They need a bright spot out of direct sunlight and they enjoy warmth and good humidity. Keep it moist but not saturated and allow to slightly dry out between watering.
A north facing window sil or a shaded conservatory would suit it fine...give it a daily mist over with rain water and stand it on a tray of gravel or small pebbles which should be kept filled with water....this will evaporate and create a micro climate of nice humid air around the leaves.
Feed once a fortnight with Miracle grow or similar between May and October.
in winter, keep it warmish (between 10 and 15 C is ideal) and on the dry side as it will slow down or even stop growing until the following spring.
Good luck.
1 Jun, 2014