By Chop2127
Hi my turf has been down for 5 weeks and I was wondering when I should start feeding it,it has had its first cut and has the roots have knitted really well
1 Jun, 2014
Hi, welcome to GoY, as Drc says it shouldn't need feeding this year, and lawns in general are usually fed in spring, this can be a weed/feed, and moss killer if necessary, an then an autumn feed, they don't usually get a feed every other week or so, loke some plants, if it starts to look a little pale green, you could give it a feed of high nitrogen fertilizer, just to green it up a bit, but if the ground is fertile and well prepared, this shouldn't be required, Derek.
1 Jun, 2014
You should have been given instructions about this with your turf as most are pre treated/fed and do not need feeding again this year. Give your supplier a ring and find out what was done etc.
1 Jun, 2014