pruning my eucalyptus tree
By Littleweed
United Kingdom
thank you to those of you who answered my question re my tree.I should have supplied more info [ i am new to this] the tree has a trunk about 7ft then branches go up another 6ft i only have a small garden and i worry it will soon get out of hand.Should i just cut of some of top branches or will trunk just keep going up and up?I live on the isle of wight
18 Jul, 2008
My Brother cut our eucalyptus tree down with my help as it got very big and if yours get's big it will cost a lot of money to fell it if you have to get someone in also the root's were going under my neighbours brick built shed and causing damage.
My advise is if you have a small garden, get rid.
Jackie x
18 Jul, 2008
Eucalyptus are very attractive trees, it is a pity it has outgrown your garden. I have no experience of growing them ( yet) but I am wondering if you could propagate it and limit the baby's growth by planting it in a container/pot ...... similar to bonsai I suppose ?
19 Jul, 2008
My neighbour across road from us in her small garden has one and now height is well over her roof.
Now whole tree looking diseased leaves going brown does
now look poorly ,but we so wish they would get it well pruned or rid of in case it falls across road.
19 Jul, 2008
My daughter in Holland has one in a tub but of course its been kept small to get the round leaved appearance since she got it.
19 Jul, 2008
They are very rapid growers and I think it will just keep growing. We had to cut ours down altogether because it was in a small front garden. They can grow to 25 metres. I should get rid of it.
18 Jul, 2008