Hello, I just came across your website
By Samk1970
United Kingdom
I just came across your website. I hope you don't mind me asking a question straight away? My partner & I went to a garden centre this morning & I was completely inspired. I forced myself not to buy anything as I had no idea what I should buy! I even stopped him from buying anything, which is most unusual for me.
We live in Surrey, have a good sized South facing garden with a 5m x 6m South facing garden which is always in the sun. We've planted some bamboo in a wooden potted 'border' on 1 side & have a few containers with herbs (thyme, parsley, chives & basil) & a couple of shrub-like plants from a previous garden, but nothing else.
I would love to have a really strongly scented & colourful container garden, but I'm at a loss where to begin. I almost bought a evergreen trachelospermum jasminoides because of it's wonderful smell, but have since read that it needs to be taken in over Winter (I might just get one anyway). I love lavender, honeysuckle, lemon balm, geraniums...anything smelly basically. I've read that French lavender has a stronger scent than English, but don't know which type to get. I wondered if anyone could offer me any advice please? If there are any particularly scented plants that you think I should go for?
Many thanks in advance!!
6 Jun, 2010
if you look at the bottom of this page there is a black section with white letters , choose C and then container garden ideas ( or explore the rest of the alphabet and photo's )--- have fun!
6 Jun, 2010
Sam, question 16276 might be helpful for you to look up (use search box). It's got a wonderful scent that plant, though nothing much to look at, it's called ? sarcococca which i'd definitely recommend once i've found its full name - i'll get back to you!
6 Jun, 2010
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Trachelospermum is only slightly tender in an unsheltered area, Sam. If you can get it against a fence or wall, then no, it can stay out - unless it's in a container, when you might have problems with frozen roots. Better in the soil. There are also scented Clematis as long as the roots are in shade/shaded by other plants. Some can be planted in containers.
In a sunny garden, look for grey-leaved plants, so lavenders would do very well, be they French or English. The English ones are hardier than the French. Try Rock roses - Cistus shrubs and Helianthemum plants. Although they're not fragrant, they're so lovely, especially at this time of year, and thrive in the sun. - lots of colour.
Rosemary - that's one with fragrant leaves and you can get pink or blue flowering ones.
When you say Geraniums, I take it that you mean Pelargoniums? The hardy geraniums aren't scented, but are wonderful plants.
You could grow a scented rose in a container...why not? Good luck with your planning, and welcome to GoY.
6 Jun, 2010