By Jan65
North East England,
United Kingdom
Shrub ID please! Can anyone identify this shrub for me? It's evergreen and very slow growing. I've had it in a pot for years and now want to find a spot for it in the garden but can't remember what it is. It's never flowered.

6 Jun, 2014
Now then that doesn't ring a bell, I thought it was something other than laurel, although googling images does seem to show very similar shrubs to mine, so that's what it must be! Thank you.
6 Jun, 2014
Yeah, definitely Laurel. Grows to 20+ feet, can be hacked down very hard, lovely (cow parsley) smell from white flowers in early summer
6 Jun, 2014
It used to be a lot taller than this - about four feet, but one year it looked like it was starting to die. I cut it right back and although it survived, it's never really grown much, and it has never flowered, even when taller. Do you think it might 'take off' if I plant it in the ground? Think I've had it about ten years.
6 Jun, 2014
Common Laurel, Prunus laurocerosis (spelling ?)
6 Jun, 2014