By Dianesiddons
United Kingdom
hi i have a 5ft tall holly tree in a ft square pot outside my door in a sunny position, i have had the tree for 8 months and have recently ntoiced the leaves are turning brown and falling off. i water the tree regularly as i have underplanted it with summer bedding. could you please advise as to what the problem may be.
many thanks diane
6 Jun, 2010
Plant your holly in 'Supercat cat litter' and you can't overwater!
No this is not a joke I'm serious.
6 Jun, 2010
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You are probably over watering it unfortunately. Bedding plants around a holly in a container do not make a good mix as the frequent watering often rots the roots of the holly. I have seen this enough times over the years. Sorry, but the bedding is going to have to come out. Let the holly dry out quite well between watering and it should eventually recover.
6 Jun, 2010