A friend has had her bay trees in garage over winterFor some reason cannot show photo?
By Thefence
United Kingdom
A friend has had her bay trees in garage over winter
For some reason cannot show photo????? The roots seem to be appearing out through the soil in top of pot!!Can we lift out and par the excess roots away from the
base of plant and leave in same pot?
9 Jun, 2014
That's how you make bonsai after all. If there's room in the pot you could just add some John Innes 3 to cover the roots, or use a bigger pot.
9 Jun, 2014
Thanks for replies. The pots are quite big and there is no room to top up. Will advise to repot!
9 Jun, 2014
Previous question
I would just re-pot, as it's possible that's the reason the roots are showing. Next size up, and just cover those roots. HC
9 Jun, 2014