By Dian89
United Kingdom
Hi, can anyone tell me why my pansies are looking a bit sickly, and some that I have potted up have just shrivelled up and died. I have grown all my plants from seed, hardened them off before planting in my baskets tubs etc, the first batch were fine and coming on really well, the second batch do not look healthy at all, and don't seem to be growing. Many thanks.
10 Jun, 2014
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« Looking for a nice scented rose to put in a pot or a standard scented rose bush
Hi, is there any possibility that the roots have been damaged when pricking out or potting up?, if you have used fresh compost, and clean trays and pots, and kept them watered, then I can't think of anything that would cause this, other than root damage, Derek.
11 Jun, 2014