By Sheilar
Sunderland Tyne and Wear,
United Kingdom
What's the best way to get rid of a massive forsythia. I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't so big!
6 Jun, 2010
My husband reduced our forsythia by half after it finished flowering. The new buds are appearing now. He got a bit carried away but it seems to be recovering.
6 Jun, 2010
Thanks for your advice. The only thing being we've cut it right back before and it grew back twice as big!!
7 Jun, 2010
You do need to prune every year at least after flowering Sheilar.
7 Jun, 2010
You can cut it right back to make it smaller after it finishes flowering I gave mine a hard pruning about a month ago as it was getting too big, just try to maintain a nice shape as you go. Or you can dig it up completely.
6 Jun, 2010