By Gitatailor
United Kingdom
i am looking for a small tree with green all round the yr and flowers, easy care for sth facing garden loved the mimosa but not easy to care for help !!!
7 Jun, 2010
You could grow Ceanothus Arboreus "Trewithen Blue" as a small tree, like scotsgran describes, is evergreen, lovely dark green leaves and masses of blue flowers late spring.
7 Jun, 2010
Ceanothus like the sun, camellia prefers shade so that is an important point.
7 Jun, 2010
I believe its a South facing garden..
7 Jun, 2010
Yes Dido it is. Gitatailor says so, I did not read it properly which is why I decided to comment a second time. Apologies to both of you.
7 Jun, 2010
just done some research into suggestions and sounds perfect !! off to the garden centre now :)
Thank-u ....
7 Jun, 2010
A camellia should suffice as it can be grown as a tree by cutting off the lower branches. They are evergreen and come in many forms and colours.
7 Jun, 2010