By Michelep
United Kingdom
we have a hedge outside the house that is suffering some kind of infection. it happens every year. I'm not sure what the hedge is. I don't think its Laurel as the leaf is smaller.
The problem presents itself as a holey leaf but when it rains it smells very bad almost like cat urine. The hedge seems to grow normally for a little while but then starts to deteriorate rapidly and when the hedge is cut looks awful. Any ideas what this may be and if there is any treatment I can try.
15 Jun, 2014
A photo would help to confirm that its is a viburnum
15 Jun, 2014
It certainly sounds like the dreaded viburnum beetle. I had 2 bushes in my hedge. One had it really badly and I took it out. The other one is still ok 2 years later.
16 Jun, 2014
If the hedge is actually a Viburnum tinus, then you have a case of Viburnum beetle. Not easy to get rid of. You need to spray with a decent insecticide on the underside of the leaves.
15 Jun, 2014