By Godd002
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have bought two 'hardy' fuschia to use as centre pieces in pots.One is called Genii & has got loads of flowers/buds,the other is called Alice Hoffman,which I bought because of its attractive bronze coloured leaves,but now I see it hasn't got any buds on it at all,is this normal for June?
17 Jun, 2014
Alice is always the last one to get going for me so be patient with her.
When you plant them out make sure you plant them 3 or 4 inches deeper than you normally would, especially where you live.This goes a long way towards protecting the crown of the plant when frost kills off the top as it usually does. In N. Yorks it would also be advisable to take a few cuttings to overwinter indoors just as insurance. If you want an early flowerer another time try Beacon - more spectacular than either of the ones you have and earlier flowering too.
17 Jun, 2014
Both of these varieties are hardy if planted in the ground, so if you want to keep them, plant them in the ground before winter sets in and they should grow again next year.
Its likely the Alice Hoffman hasn't formed flowerbuds yet because its not as far as on as the Genii, which does tend to start flowering earlier than most other fuchsia - with more root room in your larger pot and regular watering, it should develop buds within the next couple of weeks, assuming the plant itself is healthy.
17 Jun, 2014