I have a raised bed ... it is very long 40 foot and very narrow 1.50feet and 2 feet high. The back wall is 6 feet high and the whole bed is south west facing. Therefore, with such a high wall and facing the sun it is a very sheletered site . I would appreciate some advice on the types of plants|shrubs to use. Thankyou E.Falle.
7 Jun, 2010
Taller flowers would tend to lean out away from the wall toward the light (unless it's painted white), also the wind will have the same effect so I would go for bushy plants and low growing things like Alpines. There are many plants that would love such a warm protected site but it might be a good idea to check the Ph of your soil before you choose.
7 Jun, 2010
Perfect for fan trained fruiting plants like fig (Ficus carica), blackberries, peaches, plums, etc.
7 Jun, 2010