United Kingdom
Good Morning Everyone I wonder if you can help me? I would like help with the following information? Thank you, enjoy your day.
1. When is the best time to prune my roses.
2. How far back do I prune them.
20 Jun, 2014
1. January and February is the best time to prune roses, nut if ot's a particularly cold winter pruning should be delayed until spring growth is just starting.
You can also prune roses by cutting back the flowering stems, leaving two or three buds remaining on this season's new growth.
2. In the winter English Roses and other repeat flowering shrub roses should be cut down by between 1/3 and 2/3 but only thinned a little.
Bush Roses (hybrid teas and floribundas) should be cut down by between 3/4 and 1/2 thinning out some of the older main stems.
20 Jun, 2014
Depends on the type of rose, but generally, ramblers should be pruned in September, climbers and the rest in early spring, at leaf break. Dead, weak and crossing stems should be removed at their bases, always with the aim of opening up and encouraging air flow (for HTs, floribundas and shrubs), and stems should be cut back to outward facing buds.
20 Jun, 2014