By Jemster
I have trimmed and/or removed a number of Pyracantha trees (and have the scars to prove it) and am trying to decide how to dispose of them. To give you some idea of volume, I have about four van loads of the stuff. If I put it through a wood chipper, would it be ok to put on my garden? Any advice gratefully received. Thank you. Jem
23 Jun, 2014
if you are in the uk then take them to your local council tip.
If you shred them your self they shouldn't be put straight back on the ground anyway as they will rob the soil of nitrogen in their early breakdown stages. As already stated you may well end up with thornns in your compost.
24 Jun, 2014
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OUCH!!! I feel your pain. Best way to go would to be chipp them and throw the chippings into a compost pile. If you do not compost perhaps you know of someone who does and would take them off your hands. Otherwise dispose of them in accordance with your community solid waste disposal rules. Just throwing them over the garden? I'm uneasy with that since you may find that instead of disposing of them you relocated them to your garden but I may be wrong about that... Let's see what others say.
24 Jun, 2014