By Dorchester
United Kingdom
I have a three year old wisteria, about 3 feet high, which had a lot of flowers this year. It is in a large pot and has never been pruned. Is it all right to keep it 'contained' in a pot and will it have to be pruned to ensure flowers next year?
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks, it's three years old though.
8 Jun, 2010
sorry i did mean 3 years lol normaly they take 7 years . the reasen you prune them selectivley is to get them to flower so you see why there is know need for this . take care bye for now .
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks again. I was quite wary of pruning it.
9 Jun, 2010
brilliant im glad we saved the pain for your lovley plant . take care bye for now .
9 Jun, 2010
Previous question
no dont prune it your lucky to have flowers after just a year . being a big plant potentioly i would get it in the ground myself .
8 Jun, 2010