By Elless
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have a shrub, one of the laurel family, that I trim every year to keep it at managable height. This year my Montana Elizabeth took off and covered the laurel. It looked quite magnificent but now I need to trim the laurel. Will this do permenant damage as I can see this indiscriminate pruning of the clematis being an annual occurence or would I be best to leave well alone?
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks Noseypotter. I think I'l try and untangle some of the clematis before I start pruning.
8 Jun, 2010
your welcome. i would cut it back to a bud or to a stem so you dont leave anything to die back and leave as much as you can.i wonderd couldnt you train some of it somewear else if its growing so well as it does seam a shame to trim such a nice plant .
9 Jun, 2010
Thanks Noseypotter. I will try and keep as much of the clematis as possible. It already covers at least 8 ft of fence and it was never my intention to train it through the laurel but it had it's own ideas. It did look very attractive as the laurel is a tad boring but it does hide all pipework and electrics for the pond and waterfall and also protects a large acer from north winds in the winter. So it has to stay. I have a feeling this is going to be quite a task.
9 Jun, 2010
some times its well worth it though ive just been making some more sculpture for my open day on sunday and my back is apserlutley killing me but it was well worth it . its the kind of knackerd you apreciate if that makes any sense . take care bye for now xx.
9 Jun, 2010
i would trim them back to wear you like them realy .
8 Jun, 2010