United Kingdom
Help, I planted a clematis this spring, I think its star of India, just got first flower opened, and it is the dark red, BUT, it has green blisters on the petals, what on earth is it. bet thats got you all stumped. blo.... thing.
8 Jun, 2010
Psychological, Owdboggy, lol? Surely not - do you mean physiological (unless your clematis have taken to speaking their thoughts back to you...) ;-))
8 Jun, 2010
Having spent many happy hours reading about tjhe psychology of the amoeba, I reckon the Queen of Climbers can have a psychology as well!
By that I meant that there is no physical cause for the condition so it cannot be described as physiological.
8 Jun, 2010
Oh okay, just checking, but personally, I prefer the term idiopathic!
8 Jun, 2010
Oi please remember me, I only went to secondary school, lol. I will go and ask it if it needs a shrink. I will check on the rest of the flowers when they do decide to open, love your pictures on chelsea Bamboo, wasnt it great, although I got soaking wet and freezing cold!!
8 Jun, 2010
Perhaps you should counsel it by ask it how it is feeling Pat! Idiopathic used a lot in the medical profession means of unknown cause, any disease that is of uncertain or unknown origin may be termed idiopathic a good example is ME. The person is ill but no one knows the cause.
8 Jun, 2010
Idiopathic - this is a term you might hear at your GP's sometime - if ever you do, don't be bamboozled - it just means "we know you've got this ache/rash/pain/ulcer or whatever, but we don't know what the hell it is or why you've got it". First time I heard it, they told me I'd got idiopathic facial pain - I thought it was some sort of condition and looked it up. Funny, I thought, I went in telling them I'd got a pain in my face, and their diagnosis is, you've got a pain in your face....
8 Jun, 2010
Oh, I see now I understand, thankx all, and I thought you being rude bamboo, lol the clematis has opened now and loads of green spots. mmmm...
9 Jun, 2010
No, not being rude at all Patricia! Though I was very rude about the doctors once I realised what idiopathic meant, I can tell you - what a waste of time that was, lol.
9 Jun, 2010
Idiopathic - of or relating to a disease having no known cause . My Father died of idiopathic cardiomegaly - in other words a heart condition nobody had diagnosed.
9 Jun, 2010
Oh Shirley how awful, I had a heart attack last year, no known cause, also. but the outcome obviously was ok. I had no cause given to me, but I went thro months of hell from doctors who were telling me the left side of my heart was knackered, I was about to have a stroke etc etc. all a load of rubbish MRI revealed all ok, it was just one of those things!! mmm... I still get concerned, now as I am a keen gym bunny, good diet and cholesterol, slim, etc etc. but I know it doesnt follow. My yoga teacher lost her husband a couple of months ago, aged 42 out running and droppped dead. Oh dear I will shut up now, where were me, Oh yes, clematis lol!!
9 Jun, 2010
I was just flicking through GoY and was so surprised to see the word 'idiopathic' on the screen ! Yes, back to Clematis, how are you going to treat yours ?
9 Jun, 2010
Well Shirley, I think I am going to cut off some petals take it to the garden centre and demand a new one!! funny tho, I paid quite a bit for that blistered one, but paid 1.35 each for 5 from morrisons, they are grand about to bud so I am a bit annoyed. well, only a bit, cant let a little blister upset me, more fed up with whats eating my dahlias, I have sprayed and done all the right things. Oh well, by the way I also lovely aqualega, cant spell, do you have that lovely pale blue variety, and if you know the name I would love to know. thanx
9 Jun, 2010
Sorry, no pale blue ones, yet ! : o ) )
9 Jun, 2010
There is a psychological problem which affects some Clematis where the first flowers have green tepals, or blotched ones. It could be that. It goes away with later flowers. No action meeded. However there are a lot of Viruses which can attack Clematis and it could be one of them. Nothing much you can do other than wait and see if the plant thrives and the blisters go away.
8 Jun, 2010