By Milliemills
United Kingdom
Hello - does anyone have any experience of growing Cucumelons? I have grown some from seed and they are now about 3inches tall with long tendrils akin to cucumber but I don't know what to do next - should they be planted outside or kept in greenhouse; grown in pots or in the ground; do they grow very big? they look a little weedy at the moment! Any info gratefully received....I'm just hoping that they taste good after all this effort!! thanks.......
29 Jun, 2014
Also, they could be cross-pollinated by any other member of the Cucurbitaceae family growing nearby, so you could end up with a cucumelongourd, etc.
29 Jun, 2014
Thanks for your replies - I hadn't realized that they would grow so tall... I had about 6 seeds germinate and was going to give some away but now thinking that I should put them all together in a large pot in the greenhouse and will be careful not to over water as you say Gg. Now then Myron, do you reckon you've hit on a huge money making idea...!!?? Thank you both for replying. x
30 Jun, 2014
I assume you bought the Cucumelons seeds? So I think someone has already thought of the money making side of cross-pollinating plants of the Cucurbitaceae family years ago Milliemills.
There are thousands of different Gourds, squashes and cucumber varieties, all the result of cross-pollination with each other over hundreds of years. But you never know, you may discover a new variety.
Having said that, I do believe that if they are cross-pollinated, the fruits that come from the flowers that were cross-pollinated won't bear fruit that that will be a cross between two different cultivars, i.e, a squash and a cucumber, but the seeds taken from the crossed fruit will. This is how your Cucumelon seeds would have been raised... Probably a melon plant was grown from seed, cross-pollinated with a cucumber in laboratory conditions and the seeds collected from the resulting (crossed) fruit.
Keep some of the seeds from your Cucumelons and plant them next season. It would be interesting to see what grows :O)
30 Jun, 2014
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Just grow like you would a cucumber, they can be grown outside but best in a greenhouse will produce more fruits , they are a bit weedy looking to start off with but once in a new large tub which for me was the easy option etc will romp away.
Mine grew to the eaves of the greenhouse and I just pinched the tops on two but the one at the end I trained along the wire of the tomatoes and were still cropping into October .
My only other tip is don't over water when small and make a mound of compost when planting which helps with drainage .
29 Jun, 2014