By Sharonjones
United Kingdom
Morning it OK to plant my rose Paul's Scarlett in ground now ...its growing and looking very healthy in the pot I would like to transfer to soil ground now ..thank you...
30 Jun, 2014
Hi urbanite...the ground is OK...what is well rotted organic material...iv only got compost and the fish blood bone stuff ..
Oh and miracle grow liquid...
1 Jul, 2014
Organic material is anything that was once living - compost, manure, blood, fish and bone, paper etc as opposed to inorganic (grit/gravel/stones, metals)
Don't use the blood, fish and bone on its own - mix it into the compost. Add some grit, if you have any, to help with drainage at the roots.
Adding a mulch keeps down the weeds - mulch can be something like well-rotted manure or a good layer of gravel - depends on where you're planting and the overall look that you want in your garden.
2 Jul, 2014
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As long as the ground isn't waterlogged. Prepare a good hole for it first with lots of well-rotted organic material and a dose of mycorrhizal fungi to give the roots a really good start. And mulch with more organic material.
Keep it well-watered (but not over-watered) through its first year in the ground.
30 Jun, 2014