United Kingdom
my pashenflower has gone brown and dry will it come back what can i do
9 Jun, 2010
If its been out all winter, it may be that the harshness of this last winter has killed it - remove all dead top growth back to anything that looks green. If there isn't any green anywhere, cut it down anyway, wait a while if you want to see if new growth comes from the ground, but otherwise, replace it.
9 Jun, 2010
Mine did the same and I cut it back really hard removing all the dead and now I have lovely new shoots about four inches long sprouting well. They are pretty tough !
9 Jun, 2010
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« 12" and 14" wire baskets; how many plants can fit in to them?
too much nutrition brown ........flush it out ...........wait i guess . i'd love to know what happens
9 Jun, 2010