By Dido
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi, I planted a Snowberry 2 years ago and its now growing at an alarming rate, I planted it to cover an unsightly patch in the Garden which it has obliged, but Im getting a bit scared its taking over now do you think I need to take action now? Also not sure best way to keep on top of it, growth seems to be coming from ground level, thank you!
9 Jun, 2010
Its spooky isn;t it when you know instinctively that you should say "goodbye"
thanks Sunnyfunny you have confirmed it for me, I will do the dirty deed...
9 Jun, 2010
snowberry is like that. If it didn't make me sound like a madwoman I'd say "Kill it!". But as it does, you might have to prune it really fiercely.
And think of something to replace it with while you decide whether or not to take up my psycho suggestion! Mallow is pretty and hardy, but it does tend to get a bit out of hand too, and needs chopping right back almost to the ground quite regularly. If it's ground cover you need rather than something tall, then alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle) grows quickly, looks after itself and isn't very tall.
9 Jun, 2010