South Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
I bought a Geum called Mrs Bradshaw from a flower nursey because It was described as a red colour.I bought it specifically for this.But,the flowers have grown ok,really healthy,but they are yellow.Perhaps I am mistaken here but shouldnt they be red,if thats what it says on the plant label.Can any gardener tell me if there is a reason for this,such as soil or something else.Or should I tell the place I obtained it from as could it be wrongly labelled.I read somewhere that they can be yellow while in bud,but then go red in flower.Thanks for any help to a complete gardening beginner.
9 Jun, 2010
Mrs Bradshaw is a lovely red/orange colour, I would ask for another at your nursery.
9 Jun, 2010
Mrs Bradshaw is a lovely red and so you have been sold the wrong plant. Take a flower off your plant back to the nursery and ask for a correct replacement.
9 Jun, 2010
Sounds like they sold you Lady Stratheden instead. Go back and complain and buy one in flower!
9 Jun, 2010