By Jp000915jp
There is something eating my wisterias leaves, I try to catch them, but they are sneaky.
There is one thing I can think of. ants, little tiny ants, could it be what is eating my leaves?
6 Jul, 2014
Do you mean ants, or blackfly (aphids)? If they are ants, its likely you have a scale or aphid infestation on your wisteria, so check the stems for evidence of this. Wisterai scale is new to this country and has been found in the south, but may have spread further by now (google wisteria scale to see the RHS page) but brown scale also affects Wisteria. The ants (if they are ants) do not harm the plant, but they do like honeydew which is produced by both aphids and scale insect. This answer is given on the assumption you are in the UK, and may not be appropriate if you're in another part of the world.
Even so, none of these infestations would eat leaves, so more information on the holes, that is, where they are on the leaves, what shape they are, would be useful, or better yet, as Loosestrife says, a photo or 2.
6 Jul, 2014
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Really need a picture of the leaves. I doubt that ants are the cause.
6 Jul, 2014