By Phill32772
United Kingdom
would like advice on lawn care please. How long after application of lawn feed should you see results? do dry spells and cutting grass to short affect how effective it is
- 9 Jul, 2014
You should see results pretty quickly if the feed has been rained in. So much depends on the weather! Once the fertilizer has been well soaked in a dry spell shouldn't hurt but all grass grows more slowly in dry weather anyway.
It is much better to use a slightly longer cut more frequently than a short one less often but a good general rule is to cut it when it looks as though it needs it. Cutting on the shortest cut will tend to weaken the grass as there is less leaf to feed the roots.
9 Jul, 2014
I would suggest that you read the label on the bag of feed. It should give you all the information you need with regards to this question.
9 Jul, 2014