By Scotkat
Garden now getting watered it's torrential rain
Anyone else have the same weather?
13 Jul, 2014
Derek the whole day was hot and dry till 4pm when it all changed
But I was our cycling before 8.30am
13 Jul, 2014
Brilliant sunshine here.
13 Jul, 2014
A couple of light showers on Bracknell, nothing more.
13 Jul, 2014
No rain here, not for weeks either. The garden is really suffering. Annoying as it was raining 15 miles away when we were driving home yesterday.
13 Jul, 2014
Our 1st rain in ages
It's not the 15th as if it rains on St Swithins day the saying goes it will rain for 40 days
The 15th July was my late parents anniversary.
13 Jul, 2014
Heavy rain last night for about 3 hours,but you wouldn't have noticed by lunchtime today..sunny all day,and warm..the !5th was my Grandma's birthday..
13 Jul, 2014
Sunday morning here was very still after a sultry night, very misty then it rained through the mist, some light some bouncing heavy......after a couple of hours the wind got up and big white fluffy cloudswith a distinct drop in temperature
monday 6am......clear blue sky and no wind, lovely, not looking forward to the forecast 30cby Thursday :0 (
14 Jul, 2014
Monday 6am here Pam..quite cool but sunny..temps only 10 degrees..and lots of condensation or dew ,on grass and cars etc..I really hope it doesn't hit the 30's either!
14 Jul, 2014
About the same Bloomer, 11c here......I'll send a photo
14 Jul, 2014
Thanks Pam..just seen it..lovely trees :o) x
14 Jul, 2014
They seem to do well here.......
14 Jul, 2014
it rained off and on all day yesterday. It was a real problem as I had a pet rabbit to bury :o( Job done and a white Dicentra spectabilis as a grave marker.
Today it is hot sunny and very humid.
14 Jul, 2014
Sbg - I do hope the rabbit was already dead. They will keep moving around if you try to bury them while still alive.
14 Jul, 2014
They seem to dig trial ones here and forget to fill them in!
14 Jul, 2014
Sadly yes Andrew; Hunny Bunny died in my arms on Saturday evening. He was a quite an old rabbit 9 1/2yrs old. The garden is a positive pets cemetery. I didn't think I had got attached to him but I had, as in the 3 yrs Elizabeth was at Uni I had shared the care with my younger daughter.
15 Jul, 2014
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Hi Kath, we had it last night, about 2 hours after I had spent 1 hour watering with the hosepipe, typical, hasn't been too bad today, dry but a bit blustery, sun has been shining for about 3 hours now, Derek.
13 Jul, 2014