By Vincentdunne
Hi, this flowering Cornus was in full flower on 22nd of June here on the east coast of N. Dublin, when most C. kousa are long gone. Does anyone have any ideas what it might be?

16 Jul, 2014
No, cornus canadensis is a low creeper, not a shrub.
16 Jul, 2014
Any ideas, Andrew, could C. kousa be in flower that late?
16 Jul, 2014
I think that several of the x nuttallii hybrids flower a bit later, they are C. kousa crossed with C. florida.
17 Jul, 2014
Vincent - although there are one or two cornus species that flower in the summer, the leaves do look more like those of C. kousa.
Karan Junker ( runs a nursery that sells many varieties of cornus, and she is more likely to have an answer than me.
17 Jul, 2014
Thanks, Andrew, Teadrinker and Derek, I will try karen and see what she thinks.
28 Jul, 2014
Previous question
Hi, I think it may be be C canadensis, flowers late spring early summer, Derek.
16 Jul, 2014